
Tianyu’s Triumphant Return to the Shanghai APPP Expo: A Showcase of Innovation

Tianyu Display has been a part of the Shanghai APPP Expo for over a decade, and we are proud to have been a consistent presence in the event. This year, we were excited to meet with many old friends and customers, as well as new clients who were interested in our system and products.

During the event, we had the opportunity to showcase our latest products and accessories to a wider audience. Our booth was designed to impress and featured four of our most innovative systems: the M series, S-Living, Double Deck, and the New Glass Wall System. We received a lot of positive feedback about our products, and we are confident that we have made some new customers that will benefit from our cutting-edge solutions.

In addition to showcasing our products, we also had the chance to connect with other industry professionals and learn more about the latest trends and technologies. We believe that staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the industry is crucial for staying ahead of the competition, and we will continue to invest in our team’s professional development to ensure that we are always at the forefront of the industry.


We are grateful to all of the clients who visited us at the event and took the time to learn more about our products. We are committed to providing the best possible service to our clients, and we are always looking for ways to improve our products to meet their evolving needs.

We would like to extend a special thanks to the organizers of the event for putting together such a successful exhibition. It was a fantastic opportunity for us to showcase our products, connect with clients, and learn more about the industry.

We are already looking forward to next year’s event and hope to see even more of our valued clients there. In the meantime, we will continue to work hard to develop new and innovative solutions that will help our clients achieve their goals and stay ahead of the competition.


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